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近期,中控技术在马来西亚宾图鲁(Bintulu)及印度尼西亚泗水(Surabaya)新开设的两家PlantMate 5S店分别迎来盛大开业,这是继2024年3月泰国罗勇府5S店开业之后,中控技术深耕东南亚市场,持续提升本地化服务能力,深化全球化发展战略的又一战略部署,标志着中控技术在为推动东南亚客户以“安全、质量、低碳、效益”为核心目标的数字化转型,提升当地流程工业发展水平上迈出了一大步。

Recently, SUPCON announced the opening of two new PlantMate 5S Stores in Bintulu, Malaysia, and Surabaya, Indonesia. Branching out to these new locations marks another milestone in SUPCON's mission to provide cutting-edge technology solutions to Southeast Asian customers, including advanced Industrial Digital AI Solutions designed to transform operations.



宾图鲁(Bintulu)是马来西亚重要的能源和石化活动中心,享有“液化天然气之都”的美誉,也是公司重要伙伴马来西亚国家石油公司(Petronas) LNG工厂的重要所在地。泗水(Surabaya)则是印度尼西亚东爪哇省的首府,也是该国重要商业、工业和贸易中心之一。中控技术在两地部署PlantMate 5S店,将为当地石油、天然气、化工等多个领域的客户提供先进的产品技术及针对当地市场需求量身定制的解决方案。

Bintulu is an important energy and petrochemical hub in Malaysia, known as the "Liquefied Natural Gas Capital," and is also a significant location for the company's important partner, Petronas' LNG plant. Surabaya, on the other hand, is the capital of East Java Province in Indonesia and one of the country's major commercial, industrial, and trading centers. SUPCON has deployed PlantMate 5S Store in both locations, providing advanced product technology and tailor-made solutions to meet local market demands for customers in various fields such as oil, gas, and chemicals.

以“安全、高效、便捷”为理念,中控技术将为当地客户提供工业领域端到端、门对门的 5S 专业服务(即Sales产品销售、Spare parts备品备件、Service服务、Specialists专家、Solutions解决方案),通过缩小服务半径和缩短响应时间,更加敏锐地感知客户需求。马来西亚宾图鲁(Bintulu)及印度尼西亚泗水(Surabaya) PlantMate 5S店将定位于当地客户探索工业数字化及人工智能的重要中心,为客户集中展示中控技术前沿的智能制造解决方案,包括四大数据基座、流程工业时序大模型TPT、新一代通用控制系统UCS等领先的AI产品及方案;通过多维展示互动,为制造、能源和基础设施等行业客户提供智能系统的体验实践,现场为客户量身定制各类解决方案,助力东南亚流程工业企业在未来发展中保持领先优势,实现可持续发展。

SUPCON's PlantMate 5S Store philosophy—Sales, Spare Parts, Service, Specialists, and Solutions—reflects its commitment to delivering advanced, sustainable, and customer-focused innovations. The new stores serve as hubs for clients to explore Industrial Digital AI solutions, engage with IoT and AI-driven platforms like PRIDE,OMC,Q-Lab,APEX,TPT (Time-series Pre-trained Transformer) and UCS (Universal Control System) for enhanced productivity, and access expert support tailored to achieve Industry 4.0 objectives. The launch of the Bintulu and Surabaya stores will empower businesses in the region with access to advanced automation technologies and solutions tailored to specific market needs.

中控技术SEA总裁Jack Li表示:“马来西亚宾图鲁及印度尼西亚泗水PlantMate 5S店充分体现了中控技术致力于通过领先的产品技术、创新的解决方案和个性化服务赋能行业发展的初心,我们旨在成为推动智能制造和促进东南亚地区可持续增长的可信赖的合作伙伴。”

Jack Li, Managing Director of SUPCON Southeast Asia, stated, "The opening of these PlantMate 5S Stores in Bintulu and Surabaya reflects SUPCON's dedication to empowering industries with world-class technologies and personalized support. In this new digital transformation era, we are excited to bring innovative solutions to both Process and Business Automation. Our goal is to be a trusted partner in driving smart manufacturing and fostering sustainable growth across Southeast Asia."

两地的开业盛典还分别吸引了众多工业界知名企业和合作伙伴参与,来自Petronas、Sime Darby、PT Samator、PT Arjuna和PAKERIN等知名企业代表及客户莅临现场,深入了解了中控技术最新的产品技术,共同探讨了智能制造未来发展趋势,纷纷期待未来能与中控技术展开更深入、更广泛的合作。

The grand opening events featured live product demonstrations, including SUPCON's Industrial Digital AI platforms, interactive sessions with experts, and networking opportunities with industry leaders. Representatives from esteemed organizations, including Petronas, Sime Darby, PT Samator, PT Arjuna, and PAKERIN, explore these solutions and gain insights into the latest automation and smart manufacturing trends.


SUPCON has established SUPCON INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PTE as the central hub for its overseas operations. Our aim is to actively and steadfastly showcase "China's strength" in fostering new competitive advantages for our global customers. As of December 2024 to date, we have established nearly 200 PlantMate 5S Stores (i.e., Sales, Service, Spare parts, Specialists, and Solutions) spanning 678 chemical parks in China and overseas countries such as Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Canada, etc. This approach reduces service radius, shortens response time, and allows us to better address customer needs, in turn driving the continuous upgrading of scenario-based solutions. By continuously improving the overseas localization operation ability, we will deeply reach the overseas high-end customers, and contribute more to the continuous innovation and development of the global process industry.
